Monday, November 5, 2012

Book of Mormon "guys"

I LOVE these figures! I love them because I can teach my boys about Book of Mormon stories and really bring them to life. I think the boys started liking them because, let's be honest, they have awesome weapons. They now love them because they are familiar and they know their stories. It warms my heart when we start talking about one of them and one of the boys runs to grab the appropriate figure and starts acting out the scene.
I kind of like to set them all out in a timeline and group them with their stories.
Henry's favorite it Ammon. I think it is the sword and the muscles. He has a pretty great missionary story too not to mention the whole arm cutting off thing.
 I'm serious, check out those muscles.
Abinadi is my favorite not only because he is so courageous but because he looks exactly like the the Arnold Friberg paintings that are in the Book of Mormon. King Noah even has his trusty evil leopard by his side.
 We started with Nephi and Samuel the Lamanite. Then we just kept going....and going
(Dan's mom totally helped, thank you!).
We got ours at Deseret Book.
If you get smiles like this how could you pass them up :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Here are some more family pictures...

I didn't want to bore you with a ton of pics but it is my blog after all so here it goes...

I love these fellas!

 Dan is such a sport and let me dress him. Why didn't I let him wear jeans? I have no idea. I wanted to mix it up and not have a sea of jeans on the bottom but I think he would have been more comfortable in his jeans. I do think he is so so handsome though. I feel like we grow closer everyday. We figure each other out a little more and I am excited to keep going down this path forever.
Sweet air Ander!
 The boys were laughing hysterically because we were all jumping even dad, mom and Mary.
My Andersen is growing up so much! When did this happen? I have 6 year old! He loves to learn and help. I am one lucky mama. I had to take him out of school early one day to go to the airport. He was so worried that he was going to miss something at school. Definatley his father's son.
Mr. Henry is so handsome. I just want to eat him up. He acts like a big boy and he is a big boy. I forget sometimes that he is only 3. When I remember and snuggle him up like my baby that he is we both eat it up and his big boy facade melts away.

Noah totally beat me up during these last few shots. I didn't have the one edited that he slapped me across the face. Little stinker!He is learning though. Look at that sweet face. I love him.

 Wish he'd give me some kisses...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

family pics 2012

 I love them. Here are a few...

I love the lighting.
 This was such a fun shoot. I feel like I have been a little stressed and uptight in past pics so I don't know why I was so relaxed this time but it was much better.

 Andersen was happy to pose. He is such a sweet boy.
 Hen was the king of the goofy smile at this shoot.
I am glad we got one that was just a sweet smile, although I really do love the goofy-Hen smile too.
 I love his chicken fluff. He got his hair cut right after this.
 I love that Dan and I have a few pictures together. I think the last one was at our wedding.

It was a fun shoot. Thanks Mary ! I will add more later...

the boys are starting school

Look how handsome and big they are...
Andersen loves to ride the bus.

This is bittersweet. I am sad that the boys aren't home all day but they love school. Andersen started kindergarten, all-day kindergarten. I was so worried, but he is loving it. I picked him up from the bus the other day and asked how is day was.He said it was "GREAT". I asked which part and he said all of it. I am glad I waited til this year to send him though. I think he is more confident and I love the domino effect of it all too. Hen will only be 2 years behind him is the biggest plus.
Henry doesn't go to school until after lunch but he likes to get ready with Andersen.

Henry loves his school too. He likes to call it his school now (it used to be Ander's). His teacher says he is very observant and even helps the other kids "share". I am not sure what this means...ha ha. Maybe a little Robin Hood going on, you know steal from the rich and give to the poor.
 Hen is a very tender boy.